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What is Lip Flip?

“Lip flip” is the name used to describe a procedure where series of strategically placed lip injections are utilized to enhance the lip contours making them appear more voluminous and plump. Many famous celebrities have allegedly had undergone a lip Flip procedure. If you interested in learning about the celebrities with the “sexiest lips”, click here. The article shows numerous pictures of celebrities and different lip styles. When you come for your free consultation (click here to book your free one on one consultation with our facial plastic surgeon), at MONARCH MD, west Vancouver, we can use these different lip styles to understand the type of lips you desire. 

In our Vancouver clinic we place injections in the area called the cupid’s bow (located in the corners of the mouth and middle of the upper lip). Click here to see a diagram of Cupid’s bow. These injections spontaneously result in the relaxation of the muscles in those areas. The immediate end result is that your upper lips tilt upwards. This makes your lips fuller and appear more contoured.


How does Lip Flip work?

Lip Flip $99 Vancouver promotion

The injections result in blockage of communications between nerve endings and muscles. This temporarily results in deactivating the  targeted lip muscles. Since the injections are in the lip’s Cupid’s bow, the upper lips lifts upwards and also outward (imagine raising your upper lip and pulling it outward slightly). You can actually try this at home to get an idea about what your lips would look like after a Lip Flip: Lift your upper lips up and out with your index finger and thumb.  Are you interested to read more about lip flips? Then click here. 


What are the benefits of Lip Flip?

1: No down time.

2: No pain or discomfort 

3: A lot less expensive than other lip injections

4: Amplifies the natural shape of your lips. 

How much does Lip Flip Cost?

Lip Flip is known as one of the most affordable cosmetic procedures for lip enhancement. Get your lip flip for $195. Click the check pricing button below to find out if you are a good candidate. 

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